10 Funny Thanksgiving Jokes - Thanksgiving dad jokes you can tell your kids - Volume 1
We have 10 funny Thanksgiving jokes freshly baked just for you. All of our turkey day jokes are hilarious dad jokes that are appropriate enough for kids, guaranteeing solid belly laughs all around.
What is Dracula’s favorite holiday? Fangs-giving!
What kind of key can't open doors? A tur-key!
Why was the Thanksgiving soup so expensive? It had 24 carrots!
Why didn't the cook season the Thanksgiving turkey? There was no thyme!
Why did the cranberries turn red? Because they saw the turkey dressing!
Why didn’t the turkey eat dinner? He was already stuffed!
What kind of weather does a turkey like? Fowl weather!
What should you wear to Thanksgiving dinner? A har-vest!
What kind of music did the pilgrims listen to? Plymouth Rock!
What sound does a turkey's phone make? Wing! Wing!
There you have it, 10 funny Thanksgiving jokes you can share with friends and family for the Holidays. We hope you learned a new funny dad joke that you can tell your kids.
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We hope you learned a new funny dad joke that you can tell your kids.