I believe that everyone should know at least one funny joke. My goal is to make learning new jokes easy by teaching you a new one every day.
One of the easiest ways to learn a new joke every day is by following our Instagram page.
When does a joke become a dad joke? When it comes apparent!
One of my favorite types of funny jokes is a dad joke. As soon as the first of my three children were born, I instantly felt a duty to tell horribly awesome dad jokes. You might notice how most of the jokes I post are quality dad jokes.
Cute illustrations
I went to school for illustration at the Art Academy of Cincinnati and wanted to become a children’s book illustrator. However, my career path lead me to become a UX Designer here in Mountain View, California. I never lost my love for illustration and enjoy combining funny jokes and cute illustrations together.
Tools I Use
I create each joke on my iPad using an Apple Pencil. I draw each illustration in Procreate and do the typesetting in Affinity Designer. Check out my Time Lapse page to see how each drawing is made.
Brushes I use
I use the standard brushes that come with Procreate. Maybe I need to branch out a little more, but these are getting the job done.
6b Pencil for sketching
Dry Ink for all the linework
Bonobo Chalk for the texture and shading
What inspires me
My grandfather never missed an opportunity to tell a dad joke, and that's where I got my sense of humor and inspiration to tell dad jokes. When I was in high school, I wanted to be a children's book illustrator. I instead became a UX Designer but never lost the love of illustration.
How I found my style
I don't know that I've found "my style." But I have found what works for me. The look I'm going for is approachable. I want each illustration to have that "I could draw that" feeling. I try to keep things simple by using large shapes and avoid adding too much detail.