Learn funny dad jokes you can tell your kids
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What do you call an angry dessert? Ice scream!
A funny joke about ice cream having a melt down.
What happens when ice scream gets angry? It has a melt down!
A funny joke about anger leads to a melt down.
What do you call a crying sister? A crisis!
A funny sister joke that will leave your family in tears.
What do you call a sad cup of coffee? Depresso!
A funny joke to wake you up in the morning.
Why was the strawberry crying? Her mom was in a jam!
A funny joke about how berry important your mom is.
Why was the math book so upset? Because it was full of problems!
A funny joke about how problems tend to add up.
Why do watermelons get upset so easily? They’re melondramatic!
A funny joke about emotional watermelons.
What lies at the bottom of the ocean and twitches? A nervous wreck!
A funny joke that will totally wreak you.
Why was the nose sad? It was tired of getting picked on!
A funny joke that might smell familiar.