Top 10 Funny Valentine’s Day Jokes - Vol 2

Valentine's Day is the perfect occasion for spreading love and joy, and what better way to do so than with some good old-fashioned dad jokes? Here are the 10 best Valentine's Day jokes that will bring a smile to your sweetheart's face.

Drawing of a cute lime

What did the lime say to the other lime on Valentine's day? Lime yours!

Drawing of bacon in love on Valentine's Day

What did the bacon say to the other bacon on Valentine’s day? Don’t go bacon my heart!

Drawing of a cute muffin on Valentine's Day

What did the muffin say to the other muffin on Valentine’s day? I’d be muffin without you!

Drawing of two slices of pizza in love

What did one slice of pizza say to the other slice of pizza on Valentine’s day? You've stolen a pizza my heart!

Drawing of two mint leaves on Valentine's Day

What did the mint say to the other mint on Valentine’s day? It’s mint to be!

Drawing of two cans of soda in love

What did the soda say to the other soda on Valentine’s day? You’re soda-lightful!

Drawing of cheese in love

What did one cheese say to the other cheese on Valentine’s day? Will you brie mine?

Drawing of a melon on Valentine's Day

What did the melon say to the other melon on Valentine’s day? You’re one in a melon!

Draw of two jars of jelly in love

What did the jam say to the other jam on Valentine’s day? You’re my jam!

Drawing of two loafs of bread in love

What did one piece of bread say to the other piece of bread on Valentine’s day? You're the loaf of my life!

In conclusion, humor is a great way to lighten the mood on Valentine's Day and make your significant other laugh. Whether you choose to share one of these jokes or come up with your own, the most important thing is to show your love and affection through laughter and joy. Happy Valentine's Day!


What kind of tea do presidents drink? Liber-tea!


What did one slice of pizza say to the other slice of pizza on Valentine’s day? You've stolen a pizza my heart!