Why don’t toes ever get lost? Because they always stick together! 😆👣

Drawing of toes holding hands

In a twist that will put a skip in your step, we have the answer to the toe-rrifying question: why don't toes ever get lost? Now, brace yourself for some toe-tally hilarious wisdom! It turns out, these tiny appendages have an uncanny ability to stick together like glue. Yes, you heard it right! Those little piggies refuse to wander off on their own and navigate life as a tight-knit squad. So, whether they're traversing rocky terrains or wiggle-waggling in flip-flops, toes are conscientious comrades, ensuring that no toe is left behind. Who knew these little digits were such sticklers for unity? Now, excuse me while I attempt to find a pair of socks that can keep up with their solidarity-obsessed shenanigans! 😄👣

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