10 Clean Dad Jokes For Kids That Never Fail

Calling all pun-tastic families and laughter lovers!  Get ready to groan, giggle, and snort-laugh with this collection of hilarious dad jokes, clean jokes, and jokes for kids. From fruity puns to pizza-licious humor, this post is packed with silly one-liners that will tickle your funny bone and leave you saying, "I can't believe I laughed at that!"

Dad Joke | Image of a cute tube of blue paint

What's blue and not very heavy? Light blue!

Dad Joke | Image of a piggy bank filled with coins

Why are piggy banks so wise? They’re filled with common cents!

Dad Joke | Image of two pears in front of the eiffel Tower

Where do fruits go on vacation? Pear-is!

Dad Joke | Image of a cut worm in the dirt with a big smile

What do you call a worm with no teeth? A gummy worm!

Dad Joke | Image to two melons getting married

Why do melons have weddings? Because they cantaloupe!

Dad Joke | Two slices of pizza on a date

What did one slice of pizza say to the other slice of pizza? You’ve stolen a pizza my heart!

Dad Joke | Image of a girl eating pizza with a disgusted look on her face

What do you call someone who doesn’t like pizza? A weirdough!

Dad Joke | Image of a pizza and a mushroom dancing at a party

Why does the mushroom always get invited to pizza parties? Because he’s such a fungi!

Dad Joke | Image of a Sushi saying hello to a bee

What did the sushi say to the bee? Wasabi!

Dad Joke | Image of a sad rainbow who is behind bars

Where do bad rainbows go? Prism! I guess even rainbows have a dark side.

Hope these jokes brighten your day as much as they did ours! Don't forget to share the laughter with your friends and family.


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