Top 10 Funniest Birthday Jokes for Kids

Here are the top 10 birthday jokes that are perfect for any party! Whether you're a fan of dad jokes, searching for kid-friendly giggles, or just in the mood for some good old-fashioned humor, you're in the right place. Get ready to unwrap the gift of laughter with these hilariously clever jokes that are sure to be a hit at any birthday bash.

What did one pea say to the other pea on its birthday?
Hap-pea birthday!

Dad Joke: Image of a cute monster eating ice cream

What does a monster eat on its birthday? I scream cake!

Dad Joke: Planets gathered to celebrate a birthday

How do you organize a space party? You planet!

Dad Joke: a cute kangaroo jumping at their birthday party

What do you say to a kangaroo on its birthday? Hoppy birthday!

Dad Joke: Image of a sad soccer player getting a red card from a ref

Why was the soccer player sad on their birthday? Someone gave him a red card!

Dad Joke: Image of a cat blowing out birthday cake candles

Why do cats love birthdays? They love to purrty!

Dad Joke: A scared red balloon listening to music

What type of music scares birthday balloons? Pop music!

Dad Joke: Image of a teddy bear refusing to eat a birthday cake

Why didn’t the teddy bear want birthday cake? It was stuffed!

Dad Joke: Image of a girl hitting a birthday cake with a hammer

What did the sushi say to the bee? Wasabi!

What does every birthday end with? The letter y!

And there you have it, our top 10 birthday jokes that are guaranteed to add a spark of joy to any celebration! From hap-pea peas to partying kangaroos and musical balloons, we hope these jokes have brought a smile to your face and a chuckle to your heart. Perfect for dad joke enthusiasts, kids' parties, or anyone looking to spice up a birthday card, these jokes are your go-to for spreading cheer. Keep laughing and spreading the joy, because every day is worth celebrating with a good joke!

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Why did the soccer ball quit the team? It was tired of being kicked around!