Top 10 Funny Presidents Day Jokes - Vol 1

President's Day, also known as Washington's Birthday, is a national holiday in the United States that honors the country's presidents. It's a day to celebrate and honor the leaders who have held the highest office in the land, including George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, and many others. In addition to reflecting on these great leaders' contributions, President's Day is also a time for fun and laughter. Here are some funny dad jokes and jokes for kids to make you smile on this special day.

Drawing of a tea bag that looks like the statue of liberty

What kind of tea do presidents drink? Liber-tea!

Drawing of a hamster that looks like Abe Lincoln

What do you call a hamster with a top hat? Abrahamster Lincoln!

Drawing of a tea bag that looks like Abe Lincoln

What kind of tea did honest Abe Lincoln drink? Honest-tea

Drawing of a squash that looks like George Washington

What would you get if you crossed a vegetable with our first president?George Squashington!

Drawing of George Washington's hatchet

Where did George Washington buy his hatchet? At the chopping mall!

Drawing of an ape that looks like Abe Lincoln

What would you get if you crossed an ape with the sixteenth U.S. president? Ape Lincoln!

Drawing of the Declaration of Independence

Where was the Declaration of Independence signed? At the bottom!

Drawing of broccoli that looks like Barak Obama

What’s Michelle Obama’s favorite vegetable? Barackoli!

Drawing of George Washington's wooden dentures

What do you call George Washington’s false teeth? Presidentures!

Drawing of Mount Rushmore

What rock group has four men who don’t sing? Mount Rushmore!

Whether you're sharing these dad jokes and jokes for kids with friends and family or just enjoying them on your own, they're sure to bring a smile to your face. Happy President's Day!

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What type of bow cannot be tied? A rainbow!


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